Vonkelwijn champenoise
- Groot Geluk brut Villiera Stellenbos
- Kaapse Vonkel Simonsig
- Chenin Blanc the Inspector barrel vermented Jordan
- Chenin Blanc Simonsig
- Chenin Blanc 21 Gables Reserve Spier Estate
- Chenin Blanc Patmos Reserve Bergsig Breedekloof
- Chenin Blanc Organic Reyneke
- Chardonnay Nine Yards Jordan Stellenbos
- Chardonnay Bergsig Estate
- Chardonnay Reserve Tant Anna
- Chardonnay “Bon Vallon” De Wetshof Robertson
- Chardonnay Buitenverwaching Constantia
- Chardonnay Reserve Buitenverwachting Stellenbos
- Sauvignon Bergsig Estate Breedekloof
- Sauvignon The first lady Warwick Estate Simonsberg
- Sauvignon Signature Spier Estate
- Sauvignon Bio Dynamic Reyneke Stellenbosch
- Sauvignon/ chardonnay Chameleon Jordan
- The Woltrap white Boekenhoutskloof Franschhoek
- Icarus white Bergsig Estate Breedekloof
- Bio Dynamic Reserve white Reyneke
- Cabernet Sauvignon Bio Dynamic Reyneke
- Cabernet Sauvignon The long Fuse Jordan Stellenbos
- Cabernet Sauvignon Franschhoek Boekenhoutskloof
- Syrah Bio Dynamic Reyneke
- Syrah Boekenhoutskloof Swartland
- The Chocolate Block Franschhoek
- Icarus red Bergsig Estate
- Chakalaka Spice Route Swartland
- The Woltrap Red Boekenhoutskloof